I've been away from the computer ALL WEEK running here and running there...running around everywhere...like Dr. Seuss's The Foot Book with feet here and there and everywhere!
So...I guess it's catch up time! I believe it when life "wakes up" in the Spring. We have SOOOO much going on both at home AND at school. How is your life awakening this Spring????
Tuesday's Tip: Newsletter Homework
After several years of teaching, I discovered that "telling" students to practice spelling, vocabulary, and reading and math skills, etc. doesn't mean a whole lot. The students have no idea HOW to practice and many parents are unsure of where to start, too. Because of this, I began including skills and simple practice activities on the back of my weekly newsletters. I also make a tiny space for parents and caregivers to initial when complete. Below is a copy of the "Academic News" portion of my most recent newsletter. I create my newsletter on PrintMaster with three columns. My students and parents ALWAYS know what to do! You may notice spelling activities at the bottom of the first column. I have a list of spelling activities with their explanations that the students keep in their daily binders if they need to refer to it. Tweak this to suit your classroom's needs.
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