Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday's Thought

Today's thought originates from an impending case of laryngitis...ugh!  Yeah - so how am I going to teach tomorrow?  We are 8 snow days behind...I need to teach my heart out!  And, just where was this laryngitis when we were at home in our pjs?  Hmmmmm...


This isn't the first time this has happened.  The many other times I've simply taught right through it for weeks.  But, I don't think that's going to be possible this time since I'm nearly mute at this point.  Here's my plan...I will enlist an outgoing student as leader for the day.  That student will take over my parts in our regular routine.  We will introduce our new reading story using our CD.  Students will spend time with partners, in groups, and independently working hands-on activities to reinforce and ultimately apply our newest learning.  Maybe...just maybe I can take my group to my teacher neighbor and have a Math, Science, or Social Studies lesson.  We may even venture to the computer lab for some online learning games.

Whatever the outcome the day will be successful.  According to Paul Simon, "Improvisation is too good to leave to chance."  I can't allow tomorrow to be a chance for my kids to learn...I'll have to improvise to make the learning meaningful.

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