Standards Based Lesson Plans...
Online with Standards Toolbox
I happened upon this website last summer while searching for a new lesson plan template. Well, what I discovered was better than just a new template! All of my plans, homework assignments, materials lists, differentiated learning plans, and BEST of all correlating standards for each subject are ONLINE. No need for a hard copy. These can even be emailed, shared, or printed, if necessary. I have not taken advantage of ALL the aspects of the site. But, one of my favorites is the fact that you can "copy" your current lessons over to the next week using the "X-Planner". This enables you to keep your daily schedule and routine week after week...with NO RETYPING! Any attached standards also carry over. My school requires us to write the standard numbers beside each plan...with Standards Toolbox, I just have to click open the"apply standards" box and check the correlating standards.
Some other useful tabs include: Tests, Grades, Website (Classroom), and Network. These are the options I have not needed. I used to be a "hard copy" teacher, so I could mark through the lessons and/or make notes. But, I've weened myself from that habit...(I call it a habit because I could barely go to the grocery store without my lesson plan book).
Check it out. As with anything new, you will have to spend some time "figuring it out". If you use Standards Toolbox or give it a whirl...please, fill share in the comments your experiences.
Click here to discover this unique online lesson planner.
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