Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Teaching Through Notebooks

I will be finishing up my first Science unit of study on Ecosystems and my first Math unit of Study on Place Value in the next few days.  This has been an interesting year with notebooks so far.  The students are having to adjust to this "new" kind of teaching, but they seem to be enjoying themselves tremendously.  I know I'm enjoying watching their little hands cut and glue, learn to fold paper in ways never thought of, and ever so carefully "attempt" to only use a "DOT of glue" rather than a glob.

Over the last 3 years of notebooking, I've learned A LOT of things that work and A LOT of things that are disasters.  So far this year, no disasters.  However, teaching 9 and 10 year olds how to make a book with a table of contents and unit divisions has proven to be a huge challenge!  Some results are not so splendid...some pages have devastating results - out of order, glued together, skipped, and just plain messy, or even missing parts, but nothing that can't be lived with and improved upon as the days go by.

I want to share my notebooks, both Math and Science, page by page in hopes to inspire other teachers to take on this challenge.  Notebooking is a true hands-on teaching approach that engages ALL students throughout the entire lesson.  We use many other resources to obtain our information for each page.  And yes, I do spend hours developing these pages to expose them to all the vocabulary words and content in our standards.

One of my biggest questions concerning notebooks has always been, "to grade or not to grade?"  Well, this year my decision has been "TO GRADE"!  The majority of students have taken to the notebooks and are now able to organize a lot of new learning.  Through a nine week grading period, I will grade the notebooks 4-6 times depending on the number of pages completed during a unit.  These grades are nothing more than simple checks of whether or not the students are taking responsibility for their own learning and engaging themselves in our studies during our limited class periods.  I developed a rubric to send home to the parents so they can also see their student's progress.

My favorite part of the notebooks is that they are personal.  The students are putting their "blood, sweat, and tears" into their notebooks.  They are writers, designers, creators, and most of all learners!  I hope this type of teaching gets many of them excited about becoming life long learners and lets them know they can be successful no matter how difficult the subject matter.

Below are a few of the items we use almost everyday in my classroom...

Why liquid glue?  Because the stick glue will dry up on the paper and the foldables, pictures, diagrams, envelopes, etc. will fall out everywhere.  And, it isn't fun to figure out which of the 44 students lost their "food chain foldable".

Why colored pencils?  Because crayons can't be sharpened efficiently, markers leak through the pages, and the best part...they can be erased, maybe not perfectly, but the page can be recovered if a big booboo was made.

Why composition books?  Because the pages are sewn into the binding.  I've used spirals for the last two years and they have been nothing but a headache.  After so much page turning, they begin to fall out and the metal wires tend to catch on other spirals causing a jumbled disaster of notebooks.

Happy Notebooking!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Backyard Science...Take 2

We've investigated some more this weekend and found some more interesting species and happenings.  I may have to start a "Best of Backyard Science" board and begin taking votes!  Check out our recent discoveries.

Discovery #1
After spying on this rather large bee for a few minutes, I discovered it was actually "combing" through each and every purple petal of the Passion Flower.  It made several trips around the center of the flower, all the while getting pollen stuck on its back and legs.  My guess is that this backyard friend was all of 2 inches long.  No fun getting buzzed buy this thing...I left in a hurry!

Discovery #2's not a bee!'s not a butterfly!  Nope, it's not a hummingbird!  After some research, we discovered this flying machine is a BUMBLEBEE MOTH, aka "Snowberry Clearwing"!  Not your typical moth...this bumblebee disguise is perfect for tricking the most sly predators.  And...we thought the most interesting part was that it feeds during the day, which is completely opposite that of most moths.  It's even fuzzy like moths.  We have several of these that visit our butterfly bush daily.

Discovery #3
 I'm not sure if this backyard friend is as funny as its backside indicates...  I hadn't even noticed this big smile until I edited the picture.  The spider is actually very small...probably about a 1/4 inch.  As I was cropping the image to make the spider bigger, I noticed his big grin!  My oldest said, "God has a sense of humor - it's probably one of the most poisonous spiders in the world."  I was just happy that it seems happy in my backyard!

Discovery #4
Finally, I really don't understand why or how this happened.  After a fungus took out most of my other tomato plants...that I purchased...and have babied...and have watched ever so slowly to contract yellow spots, turn black, and just plain droop...this little guy appears out of a mini-air hole in the side of our composting bin.  I've just decided to leave it alone in hopes of having home grown tomatoes through the cooler months of autumn!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Backyard Science Update

The mockingbird eggs have hatched!  We are now the proud "step-family" of two rapidly growing mockingbird chicks.  The little tykes hatched sometime between Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon.  Now, we aren't really sure what happened to the third one because there was absolutely so evidence of bird eggs anywhere.  But, the two remaining chicks are being watching closely by some very curious children...and adults.  They are not the prettiest things ever, but are truly amazing to watch as nature reveals some secrets to us each day.  Below is a picture of the new arrivals!

When I first walked up to the tree, they were sleeping in a heap.  This is the response I got when my camera wiggled the tree just a bit.  They immediately thought mama mockingbird was there to feed them.  Look closely, they have very few feathers and their eyes are not open yet.  Precious...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Organizing Our 4th Grade Science Notebooks

So we are off to another school year.  We are all feeling a little glum since it is STILL SUMMERTIME!  However, we are enjoying every minute of both math and science because of our NOTEBOOKS.  My students were in awe that we do a notebook page MOST days rather than a worksheet.  Oh, they still get plenty of "practice" with vocabulary, structure, and responsibility...but, they also get to "OWN" their learning.  The notebooks allow individuality to show regularly.  Oh yeah - some are hesitant and cautious.  I hear the occasional, "Can I put my foldable at the bottom rather than the top?" or "Can I use my colored pencils instead of just a pencil?"...

My students are required to write the information we uncover as we develop an anchor chart, or read a particular text, or share knowledge, discuss a science based video, etc.  But, they can also personalize each and every notebook page with specific colors, labels, or relevant designs.

Read on to see how we got started on our Science Notebooks just last week!

Students brought "composition" books to school.  They chose one for Math and one for Science and wrote the appropriate labels on the outside cover of each.  We created a "Title Page", 2 "Table of Contents" pages, then began to DIG right in!

Personalized Title Page

Our first discussion concerned the ideas of what "Science is..."  Surprisingly, many of my newly promoted 4th graders filled our anchor chart with a plethora of ideas!  I then challenged them to think of something that "Science is not..."  They were amazed when everything they thought of some how and in some way could be related to science.  I had answers such as...war, rocks, air, love, pencils, etc.  Some of their ideas almost stumped me, but I was able to find something that related to science in every single example!  At this point, they were convinced that Science is an extremely important subject to learn about.  They came to the conclusion that "SCIENCE IS EVERYTHING!"  Below is my notebook page.  The students picked out the ideas they wanted or provided more of their own to fill this first page.

Our first unit of study is "Ecosystems of the World".  I have developed many different pages for this section and will provide several of those ideas in the next "Notebook Craze" blog, stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Backyard Science favorite time of year.  Everything is so lush and green.  The night is filled with pleasant sounds of frogs and crickets.  Everything is full of life...

Recently, we discovered some rather interesting natural phenomena in our backyard.  The kiddos were rather intrigued.  I was too, so I took some snapshots to share.

First, we discovered a Mockingbird's nest in a rather small tree.  Interestingly, however, this very small tree, about 5 feet tall, has some very large thorns.  My kids concluded that momma Mockingbird probably chose this tree on purpose because of all those nasty thorns as a means of protection!!!  Kind of neat being able to observe our state bird raising some little ones.

Next, we have a seven foot tall butterfly bush that I bought off the sickly, half priced rack at Lowe's a couple years ago.  That rather sickly looking bush, decided to flourish and is covered with all sorts of butterflies every afternoon.  They don't seem to mind our nosiness either.  Here are a couple of the larger swallowtails we've noticed.

Finally, I found this very special flower among a heap of weeds.  I'm not sure how it got there or where it came from.  As I spent a whole day weeding my flower bed next to the house, I ran across this Passion Flower.  I've always wanted one of these vines because it's design is so extraordinary and intricate.  This happens to be our state wildflower, too!  So fun uncovering some treasures in my backyard.

Has anyone else uncovered some natural treasures in their backyard lately?  My students will be going on a "Schoolyard Ecosystem Hunt" in the near future.  I'm hoping they uncover some more natural treasures hidden around our school grounds!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

First Day Fun - "Paper Wad Toss"

So, we are off to a new school year...already.  Teaching 4th grade Math and Science, I struggle for some sort of "Introduction" activity that will engage the students and help me get to know them a bit.  As a student, I always hated the "stand up, tell about yourself, and sit down" routine - B...O...R...I...N...G!!  After all, who can think of something unique to share right then, in front of twenty+ classmates, AND who wants to stand up with 50 beady eyes staring at you, AND how long will the students listen to the same ole', same ole' information from everyone?

I've used the "Paper Wad Toss" for the last three years and ALL of my students have enjoyed it - the most shy all the way to the most outgoing.  Very little prep time, very few supplies needed...only about 30 minutes of your time.  Since I'm a math teacher at heart, I always include "math talk" in this lesson.  We discuss fractions, shapes, quadrants, and lines of symmetry.  I'm also able to make this lesson cross-curricular by discussing facts and opinions.  Below is the basics of the lesson.

Supplies for each student:
* pencil/writing utensil
*1 piece of notebook paper

How to:
1. Using the piece of notebook paper, have students fold it on the "long line of symmetry" (commonly called a "hotdog" fold).  Leaving that fold, the students then fold on the "short line of symmetry".  When the paper is unfolded, this gives them "fourths" or "four rectangles".

"long line of symmetry" fold

"short line of symmetry" fold

2. I then introduce the vocabulary word quadrants and explain to them that in 4th grade math we use the 1st quadrant where all numbers are positive.

3.  I will not allow the students to use certain words in their, hate, like.  This eliminates the sentences such as "I love dogs.", "I hate broccoli.", and the "I like candy.".

4.  The students then begin writing.  On one-fourth of the paper, the students write their name.  On a different one-fourth of the paper, the students write an about interesting FACT about themselves they would like to share with the class.  So now that we've used two-fourths of the paper, I begin asking questions such as "What fraction of the paper is left?" or "What fraction of the paper have we used?".  I continue this until the students have three FACTS and all of the fourths are used.

5.  Next, I take up the papers, take a quick glance at them and cut off the fourth with the student's name.  I then pass them back around and each child makes a paper wad to throw at a designated target.

6.  After students throw the paper wad, I call several of them to pick up a paper wad of their choice.  They go back to their seats and read the facts aloud.  The class is given three chances to guess the student being described.  If they "strike out", the student must reveal themselves to the remainder of the class.

This does cause a bit of a commotion, but it's an exciting way to get the students engaged in learning a little about one another.  You will find out real fast which students like pizza and play a lot of video games!  I also use this as a pre-assessment for spelling, language mechanics, sentence structure, handwriting, fact/opinion, and math vocabulary.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Frugal Teaching?" Series: Tip #3

My last teaching tip involved cleaning the big shower dry erase boards in my classroom.  Continuing on that idea, I began thinking about how teaching math requires A LOT of practice...everyday.  I have a classroom set of student size dry erase boards.  As a new teacher 14 years ago, I was uncertain what to use for erasers.  Some students automatically used their fingers, then within minutes had it wiped across their face and clothes...yuck!  Others went straight for the tissue box...that was a no, no...too expensive, we need those for the cold season!!!

Frugal Teaching Tip #3 - Save Your Socks!

I don't know the specifics of when I finally discovered the frugal solution...but, since I can remember I've used socks as erasers.  Socks my children have outgrown, socks with holes, socks whose mate has been eaten by the washer/dryer monster, socks with broken elastic, any and all socks that no longer seem useful or are just taking up space in the drawer!  I began calling them...


 Sock Buddies are cheap and I don't cringe when I have to throw them away.  They are just the right size for holding the dry erase markers, too.  I keep a special tub in my classroom labeled "Markers and Sock Buddies".  Handing these out, preparing for use, and collecting these is a super time long as the students don't tie a knot in the sock!  These guys are simple to clean...just pop them in the washer on hot and viola, they are ready to go again.  I usually only wash mine at the end of each semester.


How I use in my classroom:
1. Students are not allowed to remove the dry erase marker until the teacher gives directions.

2. Right handed students put the sock buddy on their left hand and have the eraser at their finger tips...literally!

3. Left handed students do the opposite...they put the sock buddy on their right hand and are ready to get busy!

4. When practice time is completed, all students put the lid on the markers and return the marker to the inside of the sock..."so it can rest, in the dark"!


So...are you headed to your sock drawer or your missing socks pile in your laundry room yet?   I've even put a request on my newsletter in the past and had parents bring me bags of  SOCK BUDDIES.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Frugal Teaching?" Series: Tip #2

How many of us still have those dry erase boards?  Over the last several years, my school has installed Interactive White Boards in every classroom (YES!) and decided to keep the dry erase boards as well (UGH!).  When I first began teaching, I was at a newly constructed building with all new furniture, equipment, and the smell of fresh paint.  When I transferred to my present school 7 years ago, I sacrificed everything new...including the magnetic, flawless dry erase boards that would easily clean on a daily basis with an old shirt/sock or even a damp paper towel.  I walked into a building nearly 100 years old, with dirty smelly carpet, dusty room dividers containing asbestos, dingy chipped paint, and makeshift dry erase boards.  I learned quickly that my dry erase boards were really not dry erase boards at all...they were big sheets of "shower board" that were purchased at Lowe's and attached to brown chalk boards.  (Yes, those are still on the wall, too.)  I also learned that my shower boards did not clean very easily and every color of dry erase marker left unsightly stains.

Frugal Teaching Tip #2 - It's OK to Use Alcohol!

Well, I was accustomed to using approximately  half a bottle of dry erase board cleaner each year when I did a deep cleaning during our intercessions, which figured to about $2.00 per year.  I learned quickly my half bottle would multiply after using a whole bottle the first couple months of school.  So, I began looking for other ways to clean and happened upon simple rubbing alcohol.  Neither product is easy on the nose, but the rubbing alcohol cleans the stains off my beloved shower boards and is much less expensive than the official dry erase board cleaner.  I simply fill a spray bottle with the alcohol, label it, and keep it in my closet.  I've even used the alcohol to clean my Interactive White Board surface and it does a fantastic job!

The best part is that rubbing alcohol can be picked up at just about any store and is very inexpensive.  I manage to use one large bottle of alcohol throughout the school year and I'm still only spending about $2.00!

approximately $2.00


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You CAN Sprout an Avocado Seed!

I have a very inquisitive little girl who likes LOVES projects of all sorts... science projects, art projects, craft projects, etc.  She wants to learn how to do EVERYTHING!  A few weeks ago as my mom and I made homemade guacamole, my very inquisitive little girl looks at me and says, "I wonder if we could sprout this big seed!".  Of course, I've always heard it's practically impossible to sprout much less get to grow into a tree and harvest avocados...for various reasons I'm sure - GMO, splicing, grafting, climate, etc.  Anyway - we took our chances, I did a bit of research, and we began collecting avocado seeds.  Since I'm an avid recycler, we began planting them a couple at a time in yogurt and orange juice containers; then sitting them in a warm, but shady spot on our back deck. There are all sorts of ugly, but very useful plastic planters housing about a half-dozen unsuccessful attempts.

We checked daily for the whole month of June and...nothing.  Then we took our family vacation and when we got back...viola!  We had a sprout!  Yay - we were sooooo excited.  Below is a picture of our success story, which of course...just adds fuel to the fire of wanting to keep trying some more.  I mean - who doesn't want an avocado grove in their backyard? 

There was really nothing special to the process.  I have read that you can't use seeds from avocados that have been refrigerated.  Maybe that explains the many failures.  I pretty sure this was one we had just bought a day or two previously.  My very inquisitive little girl also reminded me that "THIS was the seed we peeled the seed coat off of before we planted it".  We did wash the avocado meat off the seed and let it dry out a few days first.

So, get busy everyone - plant your avocados, dig in your compost bin (They sometimes sprout in there!), and come back to tell us your story.  I have another one sitting in my kitchen window anxiously awaiting to be planted.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Science Picture of the Month: July - ANT HILLS!

Recently, I took my children on a day trip to visit my grandmother.  As we drove up, I noticed this very interesting pile of dirt on her walkway.  Now, I wasn't an uptown girl by any means and I didn't live way out in the country on a farm either, but I did spend the majority of my childhood outside, exploring.  Even now, I spend most of my free moments outside and I have NEVER seen a pile of dirt as intriguing.

With a little more investigation and determination to keep my little guy from squashing it, I discovered hundreds of little ants scurrying in and out of each hole!  They were busily carrying one grain of dirt from beneath my grandmother's walkway and dumping it over the edges.  As they all worked ever so diligently, together they created this fantastic ant hill to resemble a flower.

I didn't have my good camera with me, so I relied my phone camera.  The picture doesn't do this thing justice.  After a bit of research, I haven't seen any other pictures or information about ant hills of this nature.   
Does anyone know anything about this species of ant?

Here's the other picture I took - a bird's eye view shot.  Still, the picture doesn't show the distinct details we could see.  The ants just sort of blend in with the dirt.

What a wonderful world it would be if we ALL worked together so diligently!  We could do some magnificent things!  This has inspired me to promote "togetherness" in my classroom even more.  So many times my students try to outperform the other, and my parents have a difficult time connecting with my purpose.  I'm a bit inspired to develop one of my first science lessons around "ANTS" for this coming school year!

Does anyone have "ANT" ideas to share for 4th grade?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Staples - Reward A Classroom Program!!

How exciting!  I just got back from a mini-shopping trip to get the 1 cent deals and noticed at the bottom of my receipt that Staples has made it possible to earn up to $2,000 on your Staples Reward card!  All you do is provide your Teacher Reward Card # and some other identifying information, print the information flyer to send home with your students, and can begin earning rewards when your parents sign up to link to your account.  You are allowed to earn $50 each for up to 40 students.  Click this link or click the icon below for more details.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Frugal Teaching?" Series: Tip #1

Because of the struggling economy, there is a lot of talk these days about frugality and saving money or cutting corners whenever possible.  As for teachers, there is very little in the way of classroom funds whether from adopters, local governments, or even parents.  This leads teachers to fund their own classroom activities and supplies.  Now, teachers are not paid six figure incomes.  As a matter of fact, some single teachers would qualify for an EBT card, especially if they have children!  I would love to do a series of posts over the next few weeks on the subject of "FRUGAL TEACHING" for the public school teacher!  If you have any tips or ideas that save your hard earned limited paycheck for your family, please share.

Frugal Teaching Tip #1 - Save Envelopes from Junk Mail

My drawer of junk mail envelopes!
I'm really not sure what prompted me to begin this practice, but it has saved me from buying boxes and boxes of envelopes or sandwich bags.  Since I've always taught elementary school children, I've always requested that parents/guardians send any money and permission notes to school in envelopes/sandwich bags labeled with all pertinent information.  Many times, this practice does not happen so I end up spending my classroom allotted money or my own personal money on those items (which, unfortunately usually gets  ripped open and thrown away shortly after being turned in).

You may be thinking, "Envelopes? Sandwich bags?  Those don't cost THAT much."  Well, since I teach math I began to do the figuring.  I agree, a couple boxes of each for one school year doesn't cost that much...but, multiply that by how many years you've been teaching and possibly providing the same items for your own  children's classroom teachers!

Here's my example using a box of 100 all purpose envelopes and a box of 100 sandwich bags you can pick up at just about any local retailer...
approximate cost $1.65

$1.65 x 2 = $3.30 for 2 boxes per school year
$3.30 x 14 = $46.20 over the passed  14 years

approximate cost $2.98

$2.98 x 2 = $5.96 for 2 boxes per school year
$5.96 x 14 = $83.44 over the passed 14 years

Total cost for 14 years of teacher funded envelopes and sandwich bags... $129.64

That's not a lot of money for 14 years, but I had much rather have it in my bank account!  Not to mention, the impact on the environment with more and more throw away products!  Just this summer while taking a break from the classroom, I have collected a whole drawer full of junk mail envelopes to use this year.  Give it a try!  Put it on your newsletters and request parents to do the same.  Be sure to have a designated space in your classroom for the envelopes that pour in and count the change you will add up!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What's in a Name?

To answer that question...more than I ever imagined!  I realize as I begin to "blog" again, I have a lot  2 Learn!  Blogging has evolved into a massive industry and with that comes many oops and phooeys...  So, the name of this blog WILL remain the same.  Teaching is my passion and learning is a product, therefore, the name of this blog fits better than a bowl full of berries and vanilla ice cream...

I happened upon a wonderful site that offers all the information possible for blogging successfully...  But, there is a "catch" as usual.  I must pay, PaY, pAy for their knowledge.  And, of course the first thing I look for is a coupon code...found a couple, however, the discounted price is still a bit steep.  Will be thinking about that step...

So, as I begin 2 Learn all about the blogging world again...I'm begging of you all, a little patience and any advice!

Perfect book for this reopening journey!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Blog REopening...I hope!

A few of my favorite things...

Ok, so I took a MUCH longer break than anticipated...3 years and some odd months to be more exact.  It's truly amazing how living life with your children and following the "rat race" really burns up time.  I had no idea 3 years had passed...

Much has happened in 3 I am sure it has with everyone.  I'm now teaching 4th grade math and science, and have begun having health problems as a result of stress.   The "RE" opening of this blog is in hopes of adding more stress sharing my insights with others and in turn generating a few dollars through ads for our family to enjoy exploring and discovering this world together.

I'm still passionate about and  LOVE, LoVe, lOvE teaching, but have discovered that I'm not so sure about continuing my career in a public school setting.  The demands are difficult to achieve and the resources are shrinking yearly, monthly, and almost daily throughout the school year.  I'm searching for what my mom calls, "a happy medium", so that teaching isn't ALL consuming.  I took a step back about a year ago when my 7 year old asked me how many more days of school there was, and as I answered "only 10", she quickly replied with..."You mean only 10 more days then you will be able to play with us again?".  That was heart wrenching and still is...  But, then I began to was everywhere... in our family van, in my purse, in my living room, on my kitchen table, in my bedroom, on my mind, and yes...for heaven's sake I even take it to the bathroom with me.  Ugh, that was a wake up call.

Teaching is NOT an 8-3 job as most people think.  It isn't for the faint at heart.  IT IS WORK... and it NEVER ends...not even during my much loved summer breaks.  I am still required to attend inservice classes, develop curriculum, answer emails, prepare my classroom, etc.  I am required to show professionalism even in the midst of a tumultuous parent that calls me names, threatens to fight me, and then talks trash about me simply because he/she doesn't understand the curriculum requirements to which I must adhere.

I've recently had mixed feelings about finding another career path, but then realize I am a teacher at heart!  I teach kids, my students, my Bible class students, myself!  I've even recently applied for another job that is teaching families, not just 4th grade math and science to a select few students I'm privileged to get to know.  I want this new "RE"vamped blog to teach others...whoever may stop by.  I hope to, in the future, transfer this blog to another hosting site as I learn about the blogging world. patient as I will be SLOW while figuring out the directions to travel.  But, I'm inviting you to take this journey with me!